Pharmacy Track: Non-Acute Care: From Vision to Reality: Implementing Home Infusion Services as a Strategic Revenue Driver in IDNs
Date & Time
Monday, August 28, 2023, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Name
Grand Saguaro West
Pharmacy Track: Non-Acute Care

In this educational session, hospital pharmacy executives will explore the revenue opportunities presented by home infusion programs within an IDN as part of a holistic long-term patient care program.


Participants will learn how pharmacy leaders can align themselves with the strategic vision of their organization and effectively implement home infusion services, including addressing the operational challenges that may arise during program implementation and providing insights and strategies for overcoming them.


Learning Objectives:

1. Recognize the financial implications and revenue potential of home infusion programs for healthcare organizations.

2. Identify the role of pharmacy leaders in aligning with the organization's strategic goals in supporting and implementing home Infusion services.

3. Explore operational challenges that may arise during the implementation of home infusion programs and learn strategies for overcoming operational challenges and ensuring the success of home infusion services.

4. Illustrate insights into best practices and innovative approaches in home infusion program implementation, specifically around technology integration and patient care coordination.

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