According to a recent article in Pharmacy Times, the FDA predicted 2023 will be a year of continued drug shortages, including shortages of more than 12 drug ingredients and a possible lack of saline supply. Dealing with anticipated drug shortages is a critical challenge that requires a comprehensive and proactive approach from IDN leaders. This session will engage pharmacy leaders in a dialogue on how best to prioritize maintaining strong communication and action plans with suppliers, regulators, and other stakeholders to anticipate and address potential shortages.
Learning Objectives:
1. Analyze the past, current and future factors contributing to drug shortages and the challenges involved in addressing these.
2. Describe developing an effective balance between mitigating shortages through establishing surge supplies, avoiding excess inventory, but having enough on hand.
3. Examine how an IDN can build proactive plans and processes instead of being reactive to drug shortages.
4. Formulate a plan to evaluate generic options as part of your shortage mitigation strategy.