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The growth of regional purchasing coalitions (RPC) in healthcare has accelerated over the past several years with some putting the number of them at approximately 200 nationwide. Everyone generally understands how and why they operate, their appeal, and why they continue to grow. But although there can be general similarities, each RPC can be quite unique in terms of their makeup, overall goals, and objectives. This likely spirited session will seek to explain the RPC world in a little more detail, describing its evolution, benefits, and possible challenges to participation.
Learning objectives:
1. Define the concept of RPCs and explain their historical evolution.
2. Identify the benefits of participating in an RPC, including cost savings, increased purchasing power, and access to a broader range of products and services, and more flexibility than national organizations.
3. Analyze the potential challenges associated with participation in an RPC, including issues related to governance, decision-making, and conflicts of interest, and explore strategies for mitigating these challenges.
4. Evaluate the unique characteristics of specific RPCs, including successes, organizational structure, membership, and purchasing strategies, and develop a framework for assessing RPCs best suited to meet the needs of your organization