Clinical Track: Communicating with Clinicians
Date & Time
Monday, April 17, 2023, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Location Name
Osceola Ballroom D
Clinical Operations Track

Listen to the Audio Recording: Click Here

This discussion will explore the challenges, benefits, and opportunities of improving communications between clinicians and their professional counterparts in the supply chain. Participants will explore the potential impact on patient care and cost outcomes, as well as the barriers that can prevent effective communication. The session will provide practical strategies for overcoming these barriers, including the use of data, creating “champions” and process improvements. To truly achieve the Quadruple Aim, the collaboration between clinicians and supply chain professionals is essential for patients, providers, and healthcare organizations.

Learning objectives:

1. Identify common barriers to effective communication between clinicians and supply chain professionals and develop practical strategies for overcoming these barriers.

2. Evaluate the role of process improvements in enhancing communication and collaboration between clinicians and supply chain professionals.

3. Develop a plan for implementing effective communication strategies and improving collaboration between clinicians and supply chain professionals in their organization, with a focus on maximizing patient outcomes and minimizing costs.

4. Demonstrate best practices and provider successes in implementing effective communication strategies.