Pharmacy Idea Exchanges: Proactive Approaches to Combatting Drug Shortages
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Location Name
Royal Dublin
Pharmacy Clinical Track

Shortages of drugs have been an ongoing problem in the U.S. for more than a decade and were recently exacerbated by COVID-19, according to a report by the Senate Homeland Security Committee. The report found that there were 295 active pharmaceutical shortages in 2022 -- for medications to treat everything from asthma to ADHD to cancer -- in part because the U.S. depends on foreign manufacturers in nations like China and India for some of the active pharmaceutical ingredients necessary to give medications their desired effect. 

IDN pharmacies are tasked with finding solutions to ensure their organization can deliver the highest quality of patient care in an efficient and effective manner. Join this panel of pharmacy executives as they share trends in drug shortages, success stories, and initiatives their organizations have implemented to combat this growing issue moving forward.

Learning Objectives
1. Evaluate the current landscape and future challenges of drug shortages.
2. Outline tactics implemented to be proactive in ensuring quality patient care. 
3. Analyze potential government regulations and their impact on your pharmacy.
4. Specify initiatives and ways to implement them within your supply chain.