Transparency in the healthcare supply chain is a two-way path of open communication vital to the efficiency of suppliers and hospitals alike. A lack of straightforward communication between these two parties can prohibit accountability, reliability, and ultimately, sustainability. Not only is this concept critical to operating an efficient supply chain, but also to eliminating excess costs for your organization.
Join LeAnn Born as she quizzes two senior supply chain executives on their recent initiatives about bringing more transparency to their supply chain. Learn how being more transparent has benefitted Baylor, Scott & White Health and CoxHealth as they have continued to expand their operations.
Learning Objectives
1. Evaluate the inventory consignment process’ financial impact on the organization.
2. Identify key strategies and critical successes in transparency collaboration with your supplier partners.
3. Define suppliers’ unique role in fostering a supply chain’s transparency efforts.
4. Investigate the impact of transparency on an IDN’s operational success.