Purchased Services Forum: Evaluating Purchased Services Spend for Opportunities
Date & Time
Sunday, April 6, 2025, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Location Name
National Ballroom D
Purchased Services Forum

Purchased services account for a significant percentage of a health system’s non-labor expenses and can be critical to not only improving margins but optimizing operations as well. The complex financial landscape of purchased services extends far beyond simple cost accounting in your organization. Understanding the intricacies of service costs allows for strategic collaboration and communication within your organization. 


Join your peers to discuss the current status of your organization’s purchased service expenses and highlight best practices to optimize your operations and ensure cost savings.


Learning Objectives:
1. Identify opportunities for cost optimization across service categories.
2. Outline innovative ideas that balance cost containment with service quality.
3. Demonstrate a strategic understanding of your organization’s purchased services spend.
4. Assemble actionable frameworks for strategic financial management.