Senior Executives Forum: Disruptive Forces Impacting Healthcare (By Invitation Only)
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
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Senior Executives Forum

Messaging about disruptions to US-based healthcare fills your inbox and newsfeeds daily. Every week there’s a new obstacle introduced between new organizational entrants into healthcare, federal and state government regulatory changes, and consolidation among other topics. We’ll discuss areas of competitive disruptions you should embrace as opportunities as well as the ones to prepare your organization to defend.

Learning Objectives

1. Distinguish disruptive entrants and obstacles that will impact healthcare versus opportunities that can benefit your organization.

2. Prepare plans to navigate future disruptions or government regulations.

3. Evaluate the idea of digitalizing your supply chain and how it impacts the supply chain’s day-to-day operations.

4. Analyze how the consolidation of organizations has impacted the current state of your supply chain and what that will mean moving forward.