Full Name
Susan A. Toomey BSHA, CVAHP, CMRP
2021 President
Speaker Bio
Susan Toomey, Sr. Value Analysis Coordinator at Lehigh Valley Health Networkhas over 33years of professional experience with current responsibilities of overseeing the health network’s integrated Perioperative Services Department Value Analysisinitiatives. Highlighted by her successful performancesand several years of Supply Chain experience, shehas been highly engaged inthePerioperative Services department asproactive team membermanaging the value analysis process and surgicalspecialty product formularies. Sue facilitatesclinical product evaluationsandassessments, coordinates in-services, educates colleagues, surgeons, suppliers and staff onvalue analysis processes, identifies, monitors, and measuresvalue analysis initiatives, assessesprocedureproduct variations, assists in contractnegotiations,attends operational and capital budgetingmeetings, managesproduct recalls and supplier substitutions,participates insupplier business reviews,and is amember of surgical division committee meetings.She collaboratesand communicates withsurgeons, staff and multidisciplinary teams to achieve quality decisionsand outcomes. Sue has been instrumental inobtaining$6.1million in network cost savingsforthe Perioperative Services Value Analysis Team over the past three yearsas facilitator and committeeco-chairimplementingprocess improvements beneficial to the operations of the network’s Perioperative Services department. Her achievement demonstrates quality leadership by engaging staff and clinicians inprocess disciplines and has proven success by supporting the organization’s strategic, operationaland cost reductioninitiatives. Sue is a Certified Value Analysis Healthcare Professional (CVAHP)with the Association for Healthcare Value Analysis Professionals (AHVAP),Certified Materials Resource Professional (CMRP)with the Association for Healthcare Resource and Materials Management (AHRMM), and is currently serving as AHVAP’sNortheast Regional Directorand 2021 President Elect.Sue received her Bachelor’s degreein Health Administration from the University of Phoenix.
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