Full Name
John Register
CEO & Catalyst
Inspired Communications International, LLC
Speaker Bio
What happens when a four time all-American collegiate track athlete; 2 times Olymipc Trials Qualifier; and United States Army Gulf War Veteran; suffers a career ending injury by having his left leg amputated?
Well, John Register, just 18 months post surgery swam in the Paralympic Games. Then, taught himself how to run on and artificial leg and ran and jumped into the history books by winning the Paralympic Long Jump Paralympic silver medal in Sydney, Australia.
"One word sums up John Register, CSP: Wow! For business leaders wanting to energize their team(s) to deliver exponential results, John's amazing story of overcoming adversity is authentic; his delivery style commands the audience; his messages inspire and stick." Gib Hedstrom, Program Director - The Conference Board
John's personal journey empowers audiences to never yield to their setbacks in life but rather soar into their new normal.
His 10 key action steps to overcoming adversity inspires audiences around the world.
John's courage in the face of uncertainty has inspired audiences young and old. He has been featured on numerous television shows such as, "Morning Blend" with former host Soledad O'Brien, "It's a Miracle" with host Richard Thomas, "The Weekend Today Show" and "The Edge" with former host Paula Zahn!
In 2007 he was appointed by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as one of eight members to advise the Secretary on Foreign policy Issues regarding disability. He continued to serve in this capacity under Secretary Hillary Clinton - (another Razorback).
"John helps our bottom line because he changes the mojo in our sales people the confidence so they stand firmly when they are facing objections. This is what sells more product." Greta Schuler, Senior Sales Exec- Major Pharmaceutical Company
John is a dynamic speaker who commands his listeners' attention with a mix of humor, emotion and enthusiasm. His anecdotes are applicable to any audience. And, while his stories are presented in an amusing fashion, the learning outcomes and tie backs are clearly achieved and easily recognized.
John Register