Senior Executives Forum: Sharing Critical KPIs and Dashboards (Invitation Only)
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Location Name
Senior Executives Forum

The ability to effectively track and take action based on your organization’s operational performance data is a task that can be overwhelming for many supply chain executives. This task involves not only obtaining and managing relevant KPIs, but also displaying them on a user-friendly dashboard in real time, providing a graphic for visualizing and understanding crucial data. 


Hear from your peers and share your own successes and struggles involving KPIs and dashboards in a collaborative and conversational exchange of ideas and best practices.


Learning Objectives:
1. Evaluate the benefits of an effectively implemented dashboard in your organization.
2. Analyze KPI and dashboard successes and struggles of peers to determine an action plan for improving your own platforms.
3. Identify areas in your organization where important data is being overlooked or not included in your dashboard.
4. Outline the process behind determining effective and relevant KPIs.