Audio Recordings and Powerpoint Presenations from 2017 Fall
Clinical Integration
Panel: Product Standardization- Getting on the Same Page
Supply Chain to Docs: Let's Talk
Population Health Management and Its Impact on the Supply Chain
Financial Operations
Panel: Benchmarking Purchased Services: Cost Reduction in Clinical Care
Episode-based Reimbursement and the Supply Chain
Shouldn't Supply Chain and Revenue Cycle Get Together?
Strategic Management
Next Year is Here: The Healthcare Supply Chain Market Outlook
What Industry Consolidation in the Healthcare Supply Chain Means to You
Supply Chain Risk Assessment: Pitfalls Abound
Specialty Pharma- Still an Issue
Bundled Payments and Drugs: A New Role for Pharmacy
Drugs, Biologicals, and Immunotherapies: Life Savers, but at A Cost
Supplier Strategies
Healthcare Supply Chain Trends
Panel: Getting A Foot in the Door and Earning a Seat at the Table: Best Strategies for Selling to an IDN
Panel: IDN Consolidation