Reveal the clinical intricacies of the healthcare supply chain and explore strategies necessary to ensure efficiency in your organization. In this track, break down methods for improving physician engagement and optimizing clinical operations through topics such as supercharging your value analysis program, driving value through utilization, and partnering with operations to advance service line performance.

Clinical Operations Track is from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Monday, April 7. For more information contact Trey Beuttel or call 859.523.5701

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Enhanced efficiency and greater cost-effectiveness are pressing needs for many organizations, creating the necessity for utilizing the best products in terms of both clinical value and overall financial benefit. Engaging physicians to work with you rather than facing resistance your organization can optimize its value analysis programs by reducing supply and other hidden costs.

Learning Objectives

1. Evaluate your organization’s current value analysis program highlighting key strengths and weaknesses.

2. Analyze the dynamic between supply chain and physicians.

3. Identify real-world examples of supercharged value analysis programs.

4. Outline areas in which procedural supply costs are not efficiently monitored.

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2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

The role of physicians is crucial in ensuring clinical and operational efficiency. In order to maximize value, organizations require an understanding of how these physicians are using the products that they are supplied. By evaluating physician product utilization, your organization has the potential to engage more effectively with physicians and create better clinical outcomes.

Join industry thought leaders as we refresh our knowledge of the intricacies of physician engagement while challenging ourselves on the importance of utilization and the data associated with it.

Learning Objectives

1. Define utilization as it relates to your clinical operations.

2. Demonstrate an understanding of physician product preference and its implications for your organization.

3. Analyze examples of organizations prioritizing physician engagement.

4. Identify effective methods of communicating data to physicians.

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4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

For many organizations, clinical and supply chain partnerships can allow for enhanced strategies to improve overall clinical operations. By understanding service line strategies and plans for growth, supply chain is better able to support them with appropriate investments.

Join service line administrators as they discuss strategies for building strong, supportive relationships that drive mutual success and growth in both the supply chain and service line.

Learning Objectives

1. Define the role of the service line within your organization.

2. Analyze the current relationship between supply chain and service line administrators at your organization.

3. Outline strategies for developing a stronger partnership with service line administration.

4. Explain how examples of service line partnerships can transform your organization.

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For more information on the 2025 Spring Summit, please contact Trey Beuttel.

Trey Beuttel
Director, Provider Relationships and Education