2017 Spring IDN Summit
2017 Spring Keynote Speakers
Thought Leadership Panel
Laura Bozell
Senior Vice President, Cornerstone Government Affairs;
Former Staff Member;
United States Ways and Means Committee's Health Subcommittee
Jeffrey Feit, MD
Vice President, Population Health;
Chief Operating Officer
Valley Physician Enterprise
2017 Spring IDN Summit Educational Sessions
Implementing successful clinical integration involves the facilitation and coordination of patient care across a variety of settings and situations. The goal is to achieve care that is safe, timely, effective, efficient, patient-focused and affordable. This track provided insights into improving clinical integration strategies and aligning incentives with behaviors for success. Discussions covered a variety of timely clinical integration topics, including product standardization, clinical informatics, collaboration and physician involvement in supply chain.
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm Implementing Meaningful Methods of Clinical Integration
National Ballroom D
Moderator: Henry Tomasuolo, Vice President for Support Services, Boston Children's Hospital
Presenter: Rob Kurtz, Sourcing Manager, Supply Chain Operations, Intermountain Healthcare and Dawn Watkins, Strategic Sourcing Manager, UF Health Shands
Clinical Integration has moved to the forefront in healthcare reform discussions. There is a growing need for system-wide change in order to meet the criteria for improved patient care and achieve economic rewards for efficiency. There are different models of Clinical Integration and each presents its own set of challenges. Some systems target particular areas, while others take a whole-system approach. Whatever the method, Clinical Integration is routinely considered to be a vital component in a healthcare system’s ability to survive and thrive in the new era of healthcare reform.
Part 1 of this session discussed the benefits of aligning product standardization to supplies that can produce the best clinical outcomes for patients in addition to reducing inventory within a facility. Product standardization can also be an effective way to reduce supply costs before product even arrives at the hospital or facility. Emphasis was given to techniques of reducing the number of vendor sources, selecting best-in-class products, reducing waste, and increasing buying power. Attendees learned how to use product standardization to reach the goals of excellent and consistent care, patient safety, increased efficiency, while lowering costs at the same time.
A significant portion of a hospital’s operating expenses are spent on supplies, and managing clinical informatics in supply chain is a critical component in controlling the Patient Bill of Materials. Part 2 of this session discussed the tools you need to utilize informatics to better manage supply selection and processes, reduce waste, and cut costs. Streamlining critical supply chain functions results in reduced inventory variance and saves money. This session also addressed how to identify and eliminate discrepancies between informatics and the Patient Bill of Materials.
Learning Objectives:
- Formulate new product standardization processes.
- Describe how to use product standardization to improve care and reduce costs.
- Demonstrate opportunities for better control of the Patient Bill of Materials.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to the audio recording of this session here.
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm Collaborative Partnerships That Make the Difference
National Ballroom D
Moderator: Mike Neely, Director, Supply Chain, Southcoast Health System
Presentors: Amy Cooper, Corporate Director, Clinical Value Analysis, Supplies and Services, Bon Secours Health System and Sharat Kusuma, MD, FAAOS, Engagement Manager, McKinsey & Company.
Collaboration is a key component to navigating the complex paths that make up the road map of healthcare today. Leading your organization with transformative ideas and processes is easier when successful collaborations are implemented. Such collaborations lead to better outcomes, produce mutual benefits, and often result in significant savings for both parties. This session presented two examples of innovative collaborations in the healthcare supply chain.
Part 1 of this session focused on the potential for collaborative partnerships between Materials Management and Nursing to positively impact quality, patient safety and reimbursement. Discussion centered on methods that nurses and materials mangers can use to allocate roles, responsibilities and resources in order to form a mutually beneficial collaboration. Attlendees learned how to approach the developmental challenges of collaboration and best practices for finding, nurturing and sustaining collaborative partnerships.
Part two addressed innovative methods that allow health systems to create significant value and cost savings in their procurement of clinical items and expensive "physician preference items". Attendees learned how to better harness the clinical knowledge of and align the incentives of physicians when considering product choice, contracting, and vendor negotiation strategies. The presenter shared best practices for utilizing the expertise and knowledge of physicians when comparing such clinical items and opportunities to create sufficient alignment or incentives for physicians.
Learning Objectives:
- Analyze and discuss the benefits of collaborative partnerships.
- List the various methods for building and maintaining collaborations.
- Discuss potential solutions and root causes of problems commonly faced when purchasing PPIs.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to the audio recording of this session here.
4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Panel: Physician Involvement in Supply Chain
National Ballroom D
Moderator: Mike Langlois, Healthcare Supply Chain Resource, Langlois and Associates, LLC
Panelists: Malcolm Henoch, MD, SVP and Associate Chief Medical Officer, Neeta Moonka, MD, Physician Advisor, Supply Chain, Virginia Mason Medical Center; and Tim Schloss, MD, Section Chief: Interventional Cardiovascular Medicine, Mercy Clinic Heart & Vascular.
The ACA is changing the paradigm with regard to physician involvement in the supply chain. Collaborating with physicians is a dynamic that is unique to the healthcare supply chain. As IDNs become more complex, finding techniques for improved collaboration between physicians and supply chain is a vital component in reaching the goals of improved patient outcomes and affordable care.
This panel of three physicians addressed the unique role of physicians in the healthcare supply chain today. They shared best practices learned from their experiences in supply chain involvement. Having physicians involved in the process makes it more efficient and effective for all involved, especially when trying to standardize physician preference items. Attendees heard how implementing a physician-engaged sourcing model results in clinically aligned sourcing and utilization and reduces clinical variation.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify techniques for better physician-supplier collaboration.
- Evaluate the unique role of physicians in the healthcare supply chain.
- Analyze how to best implement and leverage physician engagement in supply chain.
(Panelist Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr. Henoch, none; Dr. Moonka, none; Dr. Schloss, none.)
Listen to the audio recording of this session here.
Focusing on the fiscal health of your organization while meeting the demands for superior patient care remains a challenge. With new financial models, changes in the way payments are being made and stringent goals for reducing expenditures, financial decision makers face numerous critical decisions every day. Designed to target executives with direct responsibilities for financial management, contract negotiation and product pricing decisions, the sessions in this track provided information to help you develop and implement financial strategies that will provide a positive impact on both patient experience and the bottom line.
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm Innovation in Financial Decision Making
National Ballroom B
Moderator: Bruce Carlson, Corporate Director, Material Management, Valley Health
Presenter: Tony Benedict, Partner, Omicron Partners, LLC, and Cheryl Watkins-Knowles, Director of Purchasing, Supplier Diversity and Integration, Supply Chain, Palmetto Health
IDNs are searching for more effective methods of doing business across the board. The pressure to reduce costs and improve quality is at an all-time high. In order to make informed financial decisions, managers must have accurate and timely information and must know how to use it effectively.
This session highlighted a few of the increasingly complex decisions that face IDN financial decisions makers on a regular basis. Attendees learned how to best evaluate and measure the potential benefits and pitfalls of insource vs. outsource, make vs. buy, and other types of sourcing dilemmas. A number of factors are considered when making these decisions, including the organization’s size, its location, patient needs, etc. Attention was also be given to the growing number of hybrid partnership models and how those models function.
Next the presenter shared information about the growing trend of using Value Analysis Teams to seek out opportunities for savings in the area of Purchased Services. Purchased Services are often the last area within an organization to receive Value Analysis scrutiny, but with C-Suite support, the opportunities for savings are significant. Discussion centered around methods of tracking savings, and how best to achieve value in the areas of quality, safety, cost and performance.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify methods of innovation in financial decision making.
- Differentiate the types of financial decisions facing IDN executives in today’s healthcare landscape.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the role of Purchased Services Value Analysis Teams.
See the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to the audio recording of this session here.
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm A LEAN Approach to Supply Chain Integration and Project Management
National Ballroom B
Moderator: Frank Cirillo, Vice President, Business Strategy, Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) Ventures, Inc.
Presenters: Ann Marie Ferguson, Associate Director of Supply Chain Operations, NYU Langone Health System; Ritka Ghose, Senior Consultant, Nexera, Inc; Kenneth Scher, Senior Manager, Nexera, Inc.; and Regine Villain, VP, Supply Chain Operations, NYU Langone Health System
Quality and efficiency are at the core of accountable care. This session explored methods to utilize LEAN methodologies in order to simplify and streamline supply chain integration and project management. Adopting a LEAN approach means ensuring patient safety and quality of care by implementing strategies that focus on eliminating waste through the use of error-proofing processes such as checklists, increasing transparency in all transactions, and establishing collaborative relationships.
A team-based approach, LEAN emphasizes having a quick-response strategy in place for all eventualities. The presenters discussed concepts, opportunities, methodologies and applications in the supply chain that will help you energize and revitalize your supply chain. Attendees learned about LEAN techniques that will enable you to find and fix problem areas, minimize transaction and productions costs, and manage risk. Focus was also be given to the successful alignment of supply chain operations and contracting practices in order to establish an effective, unified and consistent delivery of care with these new types of relationships.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify strategies to implement LEAN approaches in order to reduce waste.
- Analyze the benefits of a team-based approach to supply chain integration.
- Outline the methods to create LEAN supplier networks.
See the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to the audio recording of this session here.
4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Developing A Balanced Scorecard to Measure Organizational Performance
National Ballroom B
Moderator: Sean Poellnitz, Director, Contracting & Resource Utilization, CHRISTUS Health
Presenters: Ed Hardin, Senior Vice President Supply Chain Management, Beaumont Health and Dennis Mullins, Senior Vice President, Supply Chain Operations, Indiana University Health
The goals of healthcare organizations must be met amid complex settings where critical decisions are made every day and the needs of diverse groups of stakeholders must be taken into consideration. Within this unique setting, the connections between how goods and services can support the strategic goals of health care organizations need to be clearly demonstrated.
The Balanced Scorecard is an integrated performance management system that can link organizational strategy with specific activities. This method of establishing a “clear line of sight” between planning and action, combined with identifying the metrics that appropriately assess the results of those actions, can be invaluable for organizations. Specifically, a Balanced Scorecard approach enables suppliers to work more closely with healthcare organizations to integrate the value proposition of the offered goods and services into the activities already identified to help the organization reach its goals.
This session addressed the ways the logistics of the Balanced Scorecard are applicable to healthcare organizations and what impact implementing this method might have on your system. Attendees discovered how their organization can adopt a structured evaluation framework to drive more effective purchasing decisions.
Learning Objectives:
- Analyze the unique opportunities available through the use of the Balanced Scorecard.
- Describe a Balanced Scorecard and how it can connect strategy and action.
- Identify Balanced Scorecard strategies that work to enable suppliers to better present their services in ways that help healthcare organizations achieve their goals.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to the audio recording of this session here.
The IDN pharmacy supply chain plays a vital role in patient outcomes and hospital pharmacy executives continue to look for innovative methods of improving quality while keeping costs low. The problems facing the pharmacy segment of healthcare are complex. Issues concerning compliance, changing regulations, pricing discrepancies, and product shortages are among the many topics that were discussed.
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm Strategies to Optimize 340B Opportunities
National Ballroom A
Moderator: Joe Quinones, Senior Assistant Vice President for Contract, Administration, & Control, NYC Health & Hospitals Corporation.
Presenters: Casey Nelson, Pharm.D., CEO, Ideal Therapeutics and Ideal Health Strategies and Rishi Patel, Chief Pharmacy Officer, Community AIDS Network
Is your hospital making the most of 340B savings and maximizing the revenue potential available from the program? As the dynamics of this program have changed since its inception to include more facilities than before, a growing number of health systems are looking to take advantage of the increased potential for savings, new revenue opportunities and better access to critical medications for patients who need them.
The presenters gave an overview of the status of 340B compliance legislation as it stands and the potential for changes from Congress in the future. Real-life case studies were used to help understand and simplify the complexity of the 340 B program. Attendees learned strategies to optimize compliance and maximize the opportunities available for eligible health systems. Focus was also be placed on the increasing number of contract pharmacy networks in hospitals and satellite locations.
Learning Objectives:
- Define methods for effectively managing 340B requirements.
- Analyze the potential for savings, revenue and prescription access that 340B provides.
- Identify strategies for implementing 340B without increased administrative burdens.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to the audio recording of this session here.
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm New Opportunities for Pharmacy
National Ballroom A
Moderator: Meena Rupani, Director Strategic Sourcing - Pharmacy, Trinity Health
Presenters: Rita Jew, Director of Pharmacy, UCSF Medical Center and Bonnie Kirschenbaum, Healthcare Consultant
Hospital pharmacy operations are feeling pressure from a number of recent developments, including the growth of specialty drugs and the movement towards hospital systems looking to their pharmacy operations as a source of revenue growth. As a result, hospital pharmacies are increasing their efforts to find new initiatives that can increase revenue while maintaining the utmost patient safety and optimal outcomes.
Part 1 of this session explored the pharmacy cost-savings opportunities and important considerations when implementing consolidated services centers. A number of health systems are finding theses centers to be an effective way to decrease medicine inventory and overhead. In addition, they serve as an avenue for managing drug shortages and improving processes through automation, script-mailing, compounding and unit dosing. Conversely, there are other issues that may negate the cost savings and need to be considered such as transportation and lead time in production. In addition, movement of medication may be a challenge rather than an advantage and the centralized model may increase rather than decreased costs and reduced waste.
Billing for Pharmacy services has become increasingly complex, and hospital pharmacies are facing new challenges as they attempt to get paid for the variety of clinical services that fit under the umbrella of medication management. The presenter reviewed a number of CMS initiatives that involve drug therapy and the role that pharmacy services plays as part of diabetes management services, chronic care management, transitions of care and medication therapy management. With the focus on population health and the prevalence of medication use in key disease states, pharmacy's participation in this growing field of ambulatory care is essential.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the dynamics of Consolidated Services Centers in the Hospital Pharmacy setting.
- Describe new opportunities for billing for pharmacy services.
- Identify methods for improvement in hospital pharmacy management strategies.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to an audio recording of this session here.
4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Panel: Health System Trends to Watch
National Ballroom A
Moderator: Bill Martin, Vice President, Sourcing, Purchasing, and Value Analysis, Beaumont Health System
Panelists: Vincent Giambanco, Associate Director of Pharmacy, NYCHHC; Deborah Simonson, Pharm.D, VP, Pharmacy,
Ochsner Health System; and Bill Wilson, RPh BCPS, Pharmacy Manager, Orlando Regional Medical Center
Amid a changing landscape and the potential for reform to the Affordable Care Act, IDNs are seeing a number of new trends developing in the healthcare space. Hospital pharmacy services have grown significantly over the last several years due to a number of factors, including the increase in specialty pharmaceuticals and the growth in hospital pharmacies continuing to provide medications to patients after release. As a result, hospital pharmacies are transforming both the services they provide as well as the way those services are implemented and evaluated.
This session examined the emerging trends in healthcare pharmacy services. Discussion included a number of recent trends, including the expanding role of the pharmacist in patient care and follow up, as hospitals increasingly look toward hospital pharmacies to work with patients and the management of their medication upon release in order to help reduce readmission rates. Other trends include the increase in centralized pharmacy operations and the growing need for more accurate patient data that can be updated in real time. This panel of experts discussed these key trends and the opportunities they provide for your organization’s pharmacy services to reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve patient outcomes.
Learning Objectives:
1. Analyze and identify the factors contributing to the changes in the hospital pharmacy setting.
2. Outline best practices for maximizing revenue and efficiency.
3. Identify opportunities for new pharmacy initiatives in your organization.
Listen to the audio recording of this session here.
Strategic management is more than just an annual SWOT Analysis. It’s an ongoing and critical process that identifies goals and prepares you, your team and your organization for every contingency. With the healthcare industry undergoing radical changes, strategic management is more important than ever. In this track, emphasis was given to innovative methods of addressing issues that impact healthcare executives, including provider and supplier collaboration, training new leaders, key performance indicators, and future trends that are emerging.
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm Panel: Transforming for Supply Chain 2.0 and Beyond
International Ballroom III
Moderator: Ed Hisscock, Vice President of Clinical Sourcing and Informatics Transformation Officer for Non-Labor Spend, Trinity Health.
Panelists: Joe Colonna, Vice President, Supply Chain Management & Real Estate and Construction, Piedmont Healthcare; Regine Villain, VP Supply Chain Operations, NYU Langone Health System; and Tony Ybarra, CMRP, SVP Supply Trust, Community Hospital Corporation
The face of healthcare is always changing, but with a new administration taking office in January and the Affordable Care Act under new scrutiny, the future is uncertain. No matter what happens with the ACA, one thing remains the same -- healthcare providers are committed to providing the best possible care for their patients at the lowest feasible cost.
This panel of supply chain leaders shared what they are doing to prepare for the future. They discussed the people, processes and technology changes they are seeing and their plan to embrace the strategic supply chain in the future. The trends and resources that procurement organizations can use to deliver the supply chain of the future were also explored, making sure you and your organization are ready for the new economy.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify opportunities for improved supply chain efficiencies.
- Outline the methods to best align and transform supply chain processes.
- Analyze and discuss the impact of healthcare reform now and in the future.
(Panelist Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Joe Colonna, none; Regine Villain, none; Tony Ybarra, none.)
Listen to the audio recording of this session here.
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm Best Practices in Provider-Supplier Collaboration
International Ballroom III
Moderator: Dennis Daar, Managing Partner, Medical Strategies International, LLC.
Presenter: Randy Hayas, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Orlando Health and Sean Poellnitz, Director, Contracting & Resource Utilization, CHRISTUS Health.
As hospitals face mounting pressure to reduce costs without reducing the quality of patient care, more health systems are building successful and transformative collaborations involving their supply chain partners. These relationships can yield benefits for both organizations. In today’s healthcare arena, providers and suppliers are learning to find new and inventive ways to work together to reduce costs by eliminating them from the entire system, rather than simply shifting them. The result is a mutually improved bottom line.
This session featured executives from two health systems sharing the methods they have used to implement provider-supplier collaboration. Attendees were able to hear how they have used such collaboration to cultivate opportunities for aligned incentives through open conversations, transparency and accountability. Knowing that both providers and suppliers depend on each other for survival, it makes sense that each must strive to work together to best benefit themselves and the healthcare industry. Executives from these two systems shared concrete examples of their current successes and their plans for increased collaboration in the future.
Learning Objectives:
- Outline the varied dynamics and cost cutting potential that can be realized through supplier-provider collaboration.
- Analyze the results of health systems who have implemented provider-supplier collaborative relationships.
- Identify proven methods of leveraging the power of provider-supplier collaborations to improve outcomes.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to an audio recording of the session here.
4:00 pm – 5:15 pm The Dynamics of Change Leadership
International Ballroom III
Moderator: Bruce Carlson, Corporate Director, Material Management, Valley Health.
Presenters: Joe Colonna, Vice President, Supply Chain Management & Real Estate and Construction, Piedmont Healthcare and Nick Gaich, CEO, Nick Gaich and Associates
This session took a non-traditional approach to explain the need for and how to make changes in a traditional profession. Mastering the principles and tools of change management are key to driving a strong, sustainable strategic direction for your organization. Having an integrated change management strategy allows you to fully leverage the tools of operational performance and organizational development. Total engagement is vital to the success of any such strategy.
This session gave attendees the tools they need to embrace change, fear and failure as catalysts for success. Discussion centered around how to recognize and leverage change as a strategic advantage. The presenters shared the three types of change, along with specific leadership strategies and approaches to achieve and sustain optimal results. Attendees were able to assess their change leadership capabilities in this informative and interactive session.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize the importance of developing an “Exponential Mindset”.
- Discuss the strategic advantages of embracing change in today’s healthcare environment.
- Assess the steps necessary to move from intent to action in a leadership role.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to the audio recording of this session here.
Sweeping changes in healthcare have changed the way IDNs do business in almost every area, including how they source and purchase supplies in this new landscape. The demand for quality-driven healthcare outcomes requires providers to more effectively demonstrate value in every purchasing decision. As a result, suppliers must demonstrate their willingness to be partners in this effort. Sessions in this track were designed to help you gain a better understanding of what today’s IDNs are looking for from their suppliers. Much of the discussion focused on collaborative partnerships and insights concerning the provider sourcing process.
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm The Decision-Making Process on Product/Service Selection
International Ballroom II
Moderator: Michelle O'Connor, President and CEO, CMR Institute
Presenters: L. David Harlow, III, BS, Pharm D., Assistant Vice President for Professional Services, Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical Laboratory and Disease Management, Martin Health System; George Hersch, Vice President, Materiel Management, Norton Healthcare and Steve Patton, Interim AVP of Supply Operations, Medstar Washington Hospital Center (Vizient, Inc. Contractor)
Healthcare organizations face increasing challenges to reduce operational costs while improving the quality of patient care and services provided. Supply chain leaders make decisions that impact a large portion of a hospital’s budget and ensure that the right products are delivered to the right locations at the right time and in the right quantity. Efficiently managing the healthcare supply chain is a difficult task and many factors go into each product and service selection.
In this session, attendees heard from a panel of providers as they shared the decision-making process in their organizations. The panelists shared what providers are looking for from the supplier community and how suppliers can better prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. Panelists outlined expectations, relationship building techniques and share best practices from existing product service/sourcing partnerships.
Learning Objectives:
- Define the supply chain challenges facing hospitals and health systems.
- Identify ways providers and suppliers can forge stronger partnerships.
- Describe the key drivers influencing healthcare decision makers.
Listen to an audio recording of this session here.
4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Panel: Moving From Transactional to Collaborative Partnerships
International Ballroom II
Moderator: Maria Hames, Partner, Healthcare Links
Panelist: Richard Bagley, Director of SCO Business Development, Intermountain Healthcare; Michael Louviere, System VP Supply Chain, Ochsner Health System; and James Oliver, CEO, Yankee Alliance
An understanding of the challenges faced by healthcare systems to better align product and service strategies is critical knowledge for today’s supplier to have. Conversely, suppliers face their own unique challenges brought about by the changing healthcare landscape. Just a few of these are new business processes, greater budget constraints and shifting client expectations. Collaborative partnerships between suppliers and providers are gaining popularity as an effective and mutually beneficial method of increasing profitability, improving services and maintaining the best possible patient care.
This panel of experts offered tactics for forming and nurturing these types of collaborative partnerships. Panelists shared what is working for them in their systems and in their partnerships with suppliers. From improvements in standardization to better analytics, such partnerships are increasing both in number and in scope. They can pay dividends in a variety of ways, including product consistency, lower costs, improved inventory levels and reduced waste. Attendees learned how to make the move to more collaborative partnerships with the providers they serve.
Learning Objectives:
1. Evaluate the challenges faced by IDNs and their impact on supplier relationships.
2. Learn how collaborative partnerships can lead to high-performing commercial teams that drive increased revenue.
3. Discover tactics you can implement immediately to reorganize your team’s priorities and account plans.
Listen to the audio recording of this session here.
Executives from Cleveland Clinic, Fairview Health, Hospital Sisters Health System, Intermountain Healthcare, Trinity Health, and Pensiamo-UPMC showcased their organization's supply chain accomplishments during the Supply Chain Summits at the Spring IDN Summit. New this year, the Supply Chain Summits featured forward-thinking supply chain leaders as they provided strategies and solicited ideas on their organization's recent supply chain initiatives.
8:30 am -- 9:30 am Supply Chain Summit: Intermountain Healthcare
International Ballroom II
Moderator: Lisa Ponssa, Executive Vice President, Healthcare Business Media
Presenter: Richard Bagley MBA, PMP, CPSM, SCO Commercialization Director, Intermountain Healthcare
Innovation is key to improving healthcare. Intermountain Healthcare has a history of providing innovative solutions that help meet the demand for high quality care at a sustainable cost. This session highlighted the path that Intermountain has taken on their journey of transformation. Attendees heard examples of how to find solutions that help patients, best practices for working with clinicians, and lessons learned along the way. Intermountain’s distribution and utilization methods, in addition to their standardization processes, were also be discussed.
Learning Objectives:
- Compare trends and techniques that are providing innovation at Intermountain Healthcare.
- Outline processes that improve quality and reduce healthcare costs through education, innovation, and process management.
- Strategize the ways that innovative processes can benefit your business.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to an audio recording of the session here.
8:30 am -- 9:30 am Supply Chain Summit: Cleveland Clinic --Inventory Management Transformation: Bringing Visibility to Your Clinical Inventory
International Ballroom III
Moderator: John D. Kelly, CEO, Healthcare Business Media
Presenters: Steve Pohlman, Senior Director, Materials Management, Cleveland Clinic and Regina Schneider, Director of Nursing, Surgical and Emergency Services Cleveland Clinic Avon
This session took a deep dive into the Cleveland Clinic’s Inventory Management Transformation journey. The attendees heard the story of how the Inventory Management Center of Excellence implemented the new inventory system in the new Cleveland Clinic Avon hospital. Attendees learned how the Cleveland Clinic effectively manages expired items at the new Avon facility, how the Cleveland Clinic has real time visibility to all clinical inventory at the new Avon facility and how the Inventory Management COE and Material Management Operations worked with Nursing to improve workflows so Nursing and other clinical caregivers can work to the top of their licensure.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the challenges inherent in hospital inventory management.
- Discuss methods for tracking inventory, managing expired items, and improving workflow.
- Describe three strategies for improving inventory management in your organization.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to an audio recording of the session here.
9:30 am -- 9:45 am Break
9:45 am -- 10:45 am Supply Chain Summit: Trinity Health
International Ballroom II
Moderator: Lisa Ponssa, Executive Vice President, Healthcare Business Media
Presenters: Jennifer K. Kleabir, Director - Strategic Sourcing - Logistic Service Agreements, Trinity Health;
and Scott D. Gasiorek, Director, SCM Informatics, Trinity Health
Trinity Health is a national Catholic health system whose mission is to be a transforming and healing presence within the communities they serve. This session highlighted Trinity’s recent implementation of new Master Data Management measures. These new processes allow Trinity Health to more accurately measure data, resulting in fewer errors and improved customer satisfaction and patient care. Discussion also included Trinity’s network of distribution centers that provide its hospitals throughout the U.S. with medical supplies. This network has cut costs and allowed Trinity to gain more control over their supply chain.
Learning Objectives:
- Outline the dynamics of Master Data Management processes and procedures.
- Describe three challenges health systems face when measuring and managing data.
- Discuss how to achieve distribution and supplier collaboration.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to an audio recording of the session here.
9:45 am- 10:45 am Supply Chain Summit: Fairview Health Services
International Ballroom III
Moderator: John Kelly, CEO, Healthcare Business Media
Presenters: Sam Brant, Supply Chain Operations, Fairview Health Services; Anna Goldammer, Contracting Specialist, Fairview Health Services; Kelly Nelson, System Director, Fairview Health Services; and Jen Schnabel, Clinical Integration Project Manager, Fairview Health Services
Fairview Supply Chain is driven to innovate in all the work we do. This session explored some case studies on how Fairview has innovated in areas of risk-based contracting to change how vendor relationships can look. Supporting alterative care locations of care including clinic’s, homecare, hospice and long term care in with supply chain operations in a way that pushes the acute care value and reduces the total cost of care. Delivering value by looking past the cost of the widget into how we utilize products to explore quality and application of products that provide the best outcome for our patients.
Learning Objectives:
- Define risk-based contracting and its role in supply chain.
- Identify best practices for cost-reduction, utilization review and reduction in variation in supply chain operations.
- Examine tools to identify savings opportunities in your organization.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to an audio recording of the session here.
10:45 am -- 11:00 am Break
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Supply Chain Summit: Pensiamo - UPMC: Elevating the Healthcare Supply Chain --
International Ballroom II
Moderator: Lisa Ponssa, Executive Vice President, Healthcare Business Media
Presenters: Jeromie Atkinson, Senior Director, Pharmacy Sourcing, Pensiano and Mary Beth Lang, EVP of Cognitive Analytics, Pensiamo
This session provided an unprecedented overview of UPMC’s supply chain capabilities. Attendees learned about the seven dimensions of category management and how this progressive approach to spend management can help you address all forms of value throughout the your entire supply chain. Discussion also covered the transformative potential of machine learning and about how cognitive analytics is being applied to category management and to supply chain.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the fundamental elements necessary to build a strong foundation for spend management programs.
- Identify the seven dimensions of category management.
- Develop strategies to improve spend management practices in your organization.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to an audio recording of the sesson here.
11:00 am -- 12:00 pm Supply Chain Summit: Hospital Sisters Health System
International Ballroom III
Moderator: John Kelly, CEO, Healthcare Business Media
Presenter: John Kautzer, System Director, Contracting, Hospital Sisters Health System
HSHS is undergoing a Supply Chain evolution. In this session, they discussed their ERP, EMR and Clinical Engineering system wide conversions. In addition HSHS is morphing and standardizing our Value Analysis process. Lastly, they discussed the expansion of their supply chain services into the alternate site markets with particular focus on Home Care, Hospice and our Clinic groups.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the changing supply chain processes being implemented at HSHS and in the healthcare space.
- Describe the necessary steps that must be taken to standardize the value analysis process.
- Analyze the potential for expanding into alternate site markets for your organization.
View the PowerPoint presentation here.
Listen to an audio recording of the session here.